Sunday 23 November 2014

Dealing with T.O.M

So girls I think we can all agree that when TOM arrives we are not too pleased! I am of course talking about Time Of Month, otherwise known as period. We all have to deal with it at some point in our lives and there is no doubt that is absolutely sucks! Over my last 7 years of dealing with my period every month I have found the things that make that time a bit more comfortable and less hell like. This post is also inspired by two of my favourite youtube/blogger girls +essiebutton and Amelia Liana, who a few months ago created The Period Tag: 

So here are my top tips for surviving your period and my answers to the questions from Essie and Amelia's video:

I should start by staying that my periods are very mixed, some months I will be in a lot of pain and be extremely hormonal, but others I can easily get on with my everyday life and be fine. The pains that I mainly get are achy stomach cramps and headaches, but I like I said I'm lucky that this isn't an every month situation.

What annoys you?
What annoys me on my period is everything, I become very irritable, and little things like unclean dishes frustrate me. My hatred for slow internet also increases to a ridiculous level during that time! Especially when I am trying to catch up on Greys Anatomy, which is a favourite thing to do, and has been for the last 5 years I have been obsessed with that show. 

Period outfit?
Pyjamas, of course! It is obvious to say anything comfortable, and for me that is to stay in pyjamas for as long that is acceptable, and then a little longer than that too...Seriously though, loose and soft clothes are your best friend, big jumpers and trackies are the way forward.

Favourite food?
You that it is that time of the month when you find yourself with a spoon in the Nutella jar, or at least that is what happens to me! I have a sweet tooth anyway, so when I'm on my period I like to cater to that even more than normal, so everything is peanut butter or chocolate covered. Tea is also an absolute must! Recently I have also been really into hot lemon and honey for a break or change from tea, which is super tasty and also really calming for the stomach.

Mood swings?
I would say that I do get mood swings during my period, but I'm sure my family would say that it occasionally occurs more than just at that time of month. I am an emotional bottler, so often during my period the lid is let off and I do get rather hormonal and rant and sometimes cry. What is important to remember, and I have to remind myself when I am having one of those moments, is that it is perfectly natural and okay to feel exhausted and frustrated during your period. 

Some other random tips would be to not allow TOM to take over your everyday life, as much as is possible try and ignore it and push through the pain. It sounds so pretentious to say, and I can hear lots of you scoffing at this, but some light exercise can often really help with period pains. I am not talking taking on a marathon or anything like that, but a walk or some stretching can help. Finally and most importantly is that as rubbish as you feel at the time, know that all girls can sympathise, and it is only a temporary pain, well at least until next month...

Hope that you enjoyed this post, and until next time,

B xx

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